When it comes to the annual homeschool evaluation, Florida home educators have some choices to make. The first is which of the 5 evaluation options to choose. The next, if option 1 or 2 is selected, is finding a certified teacher to do it.
(Want an explanation of each option? Read this.)
At the Florida Homeschool Association | FLHSA, we recognize that many home education parents are also certified teachers. These individuals have unique qualifications as evaluators because they maintain an active Florida teacher certification and have a personal understanding of Florida home education. As a bonus, those who use Florida home education have a stake in preserving its freedom and opportunities, too.
Florida home educators with active teaching licenses can make excellent evaluators. Not only do they possess a personal understanding of Florida home education, they have a stake in preserving its freedom and opportunities, too.
We like the idea that Florida home educators are available to help other Florida home educators. But, what we like even more is that Florida home education students can be evaluated by teachers who deeply understand what Florida home education is all about.
While there are many certified teachers offering Florida homeschool evaluations, we caution against working with anyone who lacks an understanding of what home education is (and isn't). Too often, we hear from parents working with teachers who know nothing about home education, least of all Florida law. While well meaning, these individuals sometimes place unnecessary requirements on students; insist upon meeting unrealistic goals for certain students; or, make illegal demands on parents who do not understand the real purpose of the evaluation or what may and may not be required.
Teachers who do not understand Florida home education can place unnecessary or illegal demands on the students they are evaluating.
This is why we recommend, when possible, selecting a certified teacher with a background in Florida home education to perform your student's evaluation. While we cannot guarantee a better result, over decades of serving Florida families, we recognize the benefits of collaborating with one another. In the long run, it creates a better experience for every student, while helping preserve Florida education for all.
See an excerpt of our homeschool laws here.
Learn all the Florida home education requirements here.
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The Florida Homeschool Association is available year-round at www.floridahsa.org. Also available are annual memberships for parents seeking personalized assistance or advocacy.