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FLHSA Newsletter: Summer Issue 2024


This information brought to you by the Florida Homeschool Association

Serving all homeschoolers in the Sunshine State!

Home Education by the Numbers


As your statewide association, we meet periodically with personnel from the Florida Department of Education (DOE) and with representatives from superintendent's offices and other entities throughout the state. It is an honor to participate in discussions aimed at providing an excellent education to Florida students, and we appreciate opportunities to learn and share alongside our colleagues in public education.


As the result of these meetings, we can now report an accurate Florida home education headcount for 2023-24. This total, computed annually at the conclusion of the district academic year, represents the number of students in Florida home education; that is, under Florida Statute 1002.41 using the notice of intent.


As you can see, Florida home education increased slightly again this year, exceeding last year's numbers by just a little bit.

Here is a comparison of the headcount over last year:


Current year 2023-24: 155,532 students, 114,239 families

Previous year 2022-23: 154,289 students, 114,258 families


Keep in mind these numbers only include students in home education programs, however. Students enrolled in Florida private (umbrella) schools or who are registered in PEP programs are not included in the headcount above.


We know there were 20,000 students in PEP programs this year (and another 40,000 will be added this fall). Therefore, we can confidently report the total number of Florida "homeschoolers" to be even greater at this time. We'll share more estimates and information about this with you in the coming months.


We're proud to be Florida homeschoolers, and we know you are too! Browse the entire DOE report on our website to view headcounts by county, year over year comparisons, and learn more about Florida home education communities across the state. Our START HERE page is a great place to start!

How to Log In to Your Account: Members Only

We continue to receive questions from Standard Members unfamiliar with using the Member Dashboard. Using the Member Dashboard is the only way to print member ID cards, documents and forms, and access our interactive tools, download free materials, and more.

Begin by entering the email and password used to purchase the annual membership, as shown below. There, you'll be able to navigate your Dashboard to the bonuses and other material available at each specific level of subscription. This area also provides a way to update payment methods, modify your subscription or change other user information.

We hope you've enjoyed this information and tell your friends about it, too. Visit the Florida Homeschool Association for accurate and timely homeschool information throughout the year!

Wishing you a great summer with your families!

Your friends at the

Florida Homeschool Association | FLHSA

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